Careers Ahead Fact Sheets (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development)
My Blueprint:
MyBlueprint allows students to develop individual pathway plans, explore career pathways, browse post-secondary schools' websites, view secondary school course selections and more.
Students can access MyBlueprint from their GNSPES landing page by clicking the following icon:

Future Seekers:
Future Seekers is another great online career resource supported by the Province of Nova Scotia and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. It includes career quizzes, education and job info, as well as labour market stats and may be accessed at
Jobs People Do:
Using, you will develop the employability skills and strategies you need to land the perfect job. With access to job resources, job shadowing videos, articles, campus life tips, volunteer and scholarship information, you will have the tools you need to get a jump start on YOUR career path choices.